Leadership is the capability to translate vision into reality.

– Warren Bennis, Professor


Not too many years ago, I knew executives, who thought they could homestead a job until retirement.  The executives felt they were entitled.  They had significant career successes.  They had steady promotions throughout their careers.  Then, it became important for this person to make his or her numbers.  If he/she didn’t, no problemo.  There was always next quarter.

Well, the rules changed again.  Executive performance is scrutinized.   Executive compensation is being capped.   If the executive doesn’t make the numbers in three consecutive quarters, there is a high probability that he or she would be moved to a dead end job (corporate Siberia) or would be dismissed.

What’s interesting is that now directors and second level managers are given the mandate to make their objectives or suffer similar consequences as the execs.  With the collapsing financial market and a slow economy, more companies are cutting non-performers.

How things are cascading?  A few years ago, it was the senior executive, who had the cold sweats in the middle of the night wondering if he or she was the next person to be rightsized.  Now, senior and lower level managers are  sweating to meet revenue, sales and other performance objectives.

Life Lesson Earned:  Ask yourself the following:  Do you know what numbers your boss and your boss’s boss have to make?  Do you know their plans on making their numbers?  Do you know their plans in integrating you into the process?

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