We’re all VUCANs.  VUCANs want to understand how to be successful in the Future of Work.

So, we wondered what are the criteria for VUCAN life and work success.  We searched wide for wisdom from work gurus, consultants, and companies.  We couldn’t find a sure thing.  So, we went far afield and sought some principles and practices that may point the way to some level of success.  We found our epiphany from out of this world.

Work Lesson Earned:  Mars One was an early company that wanted to send humans to outer space and Mars specifically.  Mars One was looking for astronaut volunteers to “establish a permanent human settlement on Mars.”  We thought that Mars One may have the answer  They developed criteria “to find the best candidates for the first human mission to Mars.”[i]

We think these Five Key Characteristics for a Mars astronaut may work equally well for a VUCAN searching for ‘tips and tools’ in the Future of Work:


  • Your thought processes are persistent.
  • You persevere and remain productive.
  • You see the connection between your internal and external self.
  • You are at your best when things are at their worst.
  • You have indomitable spirit.
  • You understand the purpose of actions may not be clear in the moment, but there is good reason—you trust those who guide you.
  • You have a “Can do!” attitude.


  • You adapt to situations and individuals, while taking into account the context of the situation.
  • You know your boundaries, and how/when to extend them.
  • You are open and tolerant of ideas and approaches different from your own.
  • You draw from the unique nature of individual cultural backgrounds.


  • You ask questions to understand, not to simply get answers.
  • You are transferring knowledge to others, not simply showcasing what you know or what others do not.


Ability to Trust

  • You trust in yourself and maintain trust in others.
  • Your trust is built upon good judgment.
  • You have self-informed trust.
  • Your reflection on previous experiences helps to inform the exchange of trust.

Creativity / Resourcefulness

  • You are flexible in how an issue / problem / situation is approached.
  • You are not constrained by the way you were initially taught when seeking solutions.
  • Your humor is a creative resource, used appropriately as an emerging contextual response.
  • You have a good sense of play and spirit of playfulness.
  • You are aware of different forms of creativity.[ii]

[i] ‘What Are the Qualifications to Apply?’, Mars One Online, July 23, 2019.

[ii] ‘What Are the Qualifications to Apply?’, Mars One Online, July 23, 2019.

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