Author name: margaux

Global Teaming

Whatever the shape or structure of the Brand U organization, teaming is the common transactional activity. Self-managed teams are probably the most notable example of empowerment. Empowered teams and team members make decisions affecting their work and customers. Divisions, plants, and even departments are transformed into standalone work units responsible for their profit/loss. Such units …

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Teaming to Destroy Silos

To destroy silos, companies are teaming. It’s happening in the office, on the manufacturing floor, and in creative services. Xerox office teams determine who does what and when; Chrysler production teams determine the best flow for their work; and Leo Burnett account teams offer one-stop advertising for clients.

New Rules of Brand U Organizations

What are the protocols and rules of the Brand U organization that values marketable and value adding knowledge as much as loyalty? Traditionally, the twenty-year manager had power, prestige, and knowledge, and was accorded loyalty and respect due to these factors. Now, value adding knowledge and abilities are increasingly important.

Drive to Flatten Organizations

In the horizontal organization, hierarchal levels disappear, work is simplified, and information is universally available. Responsibility, authority, resources, information, and decision making are downloaded to the lowest organizational level. Hierarchal- functional workers evolve into process owners. Self-managed process or project teams do work simultaneously or concurrently. Specifications are jointly developed so everyone is familiar with …

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Lead, Follow, or Get Out the Way

Brand U leadership often surfaces in battle where the consequences of poor judgment are fatal. But, can an extraordinary Brand U make a difference in a business organization or a team? Studies continue to indicate that leadership is often exemplified in teams and small organizations. For example, small product development teams have developed breathtaking products, …

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