Creative Dissatisfaction
The achievement of excellence can occur only if the organization promotes a culture of creative dissatisfaction. Lawrence Miller, Business person
The achievement of excellence can occur only if the organization promotes a culture of creative dissatisfaction. Lawrence Miller, Business person
I paid my dues! I worked 50 hours last week! I bailed out my team! My company, church, school, government owes me. How many TV shows can we watch that glorify the victim mentality? For the last two decades, the entitlement and victimization mentalities drove many. So and so owes me because I’ve been stressed, …
I remember seeing a training video of a Japanese company whose members sang the company song and pledged allegiance to the company. The company had a lifetime employment contract or understanding with its employees. Could you see that happening in America? Pledging allegiance to a company, which has haphazardly downsized or transformed itself. I don’t …
The economy has been going gangbusters. We’ve had a ten-year economic expansion, pretty close to full employment, a long-term bull market, and what some call an economic miracle. Just one indicator, the unemployment rate for much of 1998, 1999, and 2000 has hovered around historical lows. Bottom line questions: Are you better off than five …
You either get it or you don’t You create your own experience People do what works You cannot change what you do not acknowledge Life rewards action There is no reality, only perception Life is managed, not cured We teach people how to treat us There is power in forgiveness You have to name it …