‘Sunspring,’ the first known screenplay written by an AI, was produced recently. It is awesome. Awesomely awful. But it’s worth watching all ten minutes of it to get a taste of the gap between a great screenplay and something an AI can currently produce.

Brad Field – Screen Writer

Let’s run a thought experiment?  Can you imagine a pilotless commercial aircraft carrying 200 people? Pilotless airplanes have been a possibility for 20 years.  However, think of the following and how you react:

  • Can you imagine looking at the pilot cabin of an aircraft looking left and right and there’s no one in the cabin?
  • Can you imagine visiting a machinephysician for a life threatening diagnosis and no people interaction?
  • Can you imagine an 80,000 pound truck traveling at 70 miles per hour on the road without a driver?
  • How would you react if a robotic cop stopped you for speeding?

Does the above sound far-fetched?  In a recent study, it was discovered the average pilot is flying the aircraft an average of 7 minutes. What occurs during the rest of the flight? Autopilot and other automated flight services are in control.  What will happen to the pilot and co-pilot in future aircraft when automated aircraft are accepted much like automated vehicles? The role of pilots and physicians may evolve into an assurance and oversight function ensuring proper operation. The pilot is the quality control (QC) and risk assurance of the automatic flight. The physician provides the human second opinion after the machine’s diagnosis. Again, QC.

Work Lesson Learned:  Assurance workers may be paid a premium for their wisdom, judgment, and humanity including their knowledge of the discipline and AI.  Uber drivers could charge premium fares based on their safety record, time of day service, and special events.

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