Knowing when and how to self-disrupt are among the key self management questions that you need to ask. Take a look and answer the below questions:
- Do you know the VUCAN leaders in your organization?
- What makes them effective and efficient? Or not?
- Do your VUCAN managers know the present game (competitive) rules? And, do they communicate them to you?
- Do you want to go into management?
- Do you know COVID rules (wants, needs and expectations) of the managementgame in your organization?
- Where would you like to be and what do you have to do to get there?
- What do you need to do to get from ‘here to there’?
- What are your numbers and what do you do to make them?
- What workrules have changed for you in COVID time?
- What’s your careermetaphor (i.e. ladder, web, etc.)?
- Do you have a post COVID careerroadmap?
- What’s important to you about work?
- What’s your compelling story?
- Are you secure with your work/career/job?
- Where would you like to be with your work/career/job?
- Are you a risk-takeror risk-averse?
- Are you happy with your work, career, or job?
- And if not, what are you going to do about it?
- What are you good at?
- How do you self manage at work
- What is your value differentiator?
- Do you take responsibility of your own health in COVID time?
- What’s happening in your profession?
- What will peoplepay for that you do well?
- How do you react or respond to COVID work disruption?