Principles: A basic truth, law, or assumption; a basic source.
American Heritage Dictionary
Work should be meaningful for us. Many of my friends want to work on sustainability and green issues. Only a few years ago, I would have said that a lot of companies had principles that were mainly motherhoods and meaningless slogans.
I’m finding that companies are paying a lot more attention to core principles and values, such as transparency, social responsibility, sustainability, and human rights. Companies are also addressing gut issues like child labor laws, carbon emissions, and other issues.
However, things changed for companies in the last decade. Outsourcing and off shoring created a global and integrated economy. Child labor infractions with an offshore supplier could result in reputation loss and subsequent equity loss. Carbon emissions accelerated environmental degradation. And, these gut issues mattered to governments, to customers and to people.
Work can give us money to provide the freedom to do other things. On a personal level, values and principles are critical and in some cases sacred. Work is frankly boring unless it has personal meaning or purpose. Work should touch us somewhere. It can be in the pocketbook, in the heart, in the soul, in the gut, or in the head. Work can make the world a better place to live. Work can be challenging and puzzling. Work can get us closer to God. Work can feel just right. Work can be our life’s purpose. Work provides meaning, which drives progress, creativity, and progress.
Life Lesson Earned: More employers are trying to respect individual values and concerns. What drives you to do the work you do? Are your principles aligned with your employer’s?