We’re finding more business leaders are using the Golden Rule approach in business, ‘treat others as you want to be treated.’ Spiritual values is a powerful idea in a world that many see as Darwinian and ruthless especially those who have been displaced through outsourcing, reengineering, or a terrible economy.
Can the source of spiritual values be found in Jesus, Sitting Bull, or Lao Tsu? There have been business books that say ‘yes.’ However, it’s hard to imagine recasting Jesus Christ as a management consultants or Attila the Hun as a spiritual advisor. Even putting the two together in a sentence jangles. However, this is what’s being done. There are a number of best selling management books about historical and recent heroes who embodied value based leadership including Lao Tzu, Sitting Bull, and Jesus.
Other books have focused on recent leaders, managers or investors as the metaphor for success, including Warren Buffet, the investor and Jack Welch of former leader of GE. For example, one of the books, the Genius of Sitting Bull draws parallels between Sitting Bull’s leadership abilities and contemporary management. The author compares the healthcare industry to the disparate, disorganized tribes that Sitting Bull united into a cohesive fighting and working unit.
Some say leadership is more transcendental than situational. The argument goes like this. When change is constant, customers must be pleased and organizational transformations become commonplace. Charismatic and value based leadership can inspire people to accept change, consistently operate above expectations, and push the boundaries of performance.
Life Lesson Earned: Business, work, and life success and effectiveness may come down to a few simple things like treat others like you’d want to be treated. Nice people finish first – I hope!