Finally, what will be your takeaways from this book? Work is a gut issue for all of us. Whether we work to live or live to work, it’s a critical life issue. Those of us tied to the old order or old paradigms may certainly feel confused, uncertain, and even pain. How you react is up to you! You can clutch at the old paradigm or flow with the new one. It’s not a matter of seeing the glass as half full or half empty. Both are static, ‘so what’ choices.
The smart option is to see the glass needing more water so the Brand U can fill it. This choice is proactive, opportunistic, and entrepreneurial. It’s the same with your career. Seize career and work opportunities, take risks, and fill the glass.
George Bernard Shaw said that the world is populated by three kinds of people: 1. those who make things happen; 2. those to whom it happens; and 3. those who wonder what happened? That’s the essence of being clued in or being clueless. Brand U’s are clued in and make things happen.