Why are values important? And if so, what is their relationship to work? Is there a function for God, honor, family, values, trust and honesty in the work place? Or, are these relics of a past when there was lifetime employment and trust that went down and up the organization?
Studies indicate that values are important. Why? Four major American institutions define us: 1. religion, 2. health, 3. law, and 4. families. All of which are in disarray. Why? An American Opinion Poll identified lack of time, health, money, and values as the significant reasons. The poll also identified that almost two-thirds of us believe the state of our morals ‘is pretty bad’ and getting worse.
Values and morals are the foundations by which Brand U make choices – where we work, what jobs we do, how we balance family and work, and so on. As values become more important, organizations recognize they must listen to these concerns or lose valuable workers, the source of new ideas. If our employer doesn’t respect our beliefs, then we’ll go where we can realize our dreams and satisfy our needs. The best Brand U’s make the best Brand U organization so best Brand U organizations hire the best Brand U’s. It’s that simple!