There are lots of new questions about work and few answers. What is work? Is it a job, career, vocation, or avocation? What’s the best organization in which to work? How is work done in what type of organization? How are virtual teams managed or led? How are telecommuters integrated into an organization? How are superior performers rewarded in a team-based culture? Where do people go when they’re promoted? Is there even such a thing as a promotional ladder?
One of the most dramatic changes is the loss of our cherished work metaphors. Work gurus are now searching for the right workplace metaphors, illustrations, or examples. What are common work metaphors? The pyramid describes an organizational structure. The ladder characterizes career growth and stability. A stream describes process flow.
A vertical or pyramidal structure implied longevity and stability. The organizational structure was also a symbol of loyalty, strength, and institutionalization. If you review each of these words, you’ll understand how much they go against the New Economy or competitiveness grain. Competitive companies are virtual, flexible, and loose. Institutionalization and stability are negative.