The New Economy is all about time – what Brand U’s do and how they manage it. For example based on your answer to an online health quiz, or laboratory analysis of a strand of hair, a company can manufacture a vitamin just for you. Then every three months you’ll get a fresh supply.
If you’re a college teacher, McGraw Hill will create a customized textbook for you and your students just in time for class and in the exact number that’s needed. This is called ‘on demand’ or ‘just in time’ publishing.
Companies will tailor their advertising, pricing, and service to meet your requirements – on demand and just in time. Product specs are sent to a manufacturer who produces the product you ordered using modular manufacturing methods. The implications are huge. No inventory. No intermediary. Just one-to-one communication between the manufacturer and you. Who’s doing this now? I just ordered a Dell CS laptop, which was made to my specs. My wife bought some clothes from the Land’s End web site where she could see how it looked as virtual Victoria (my wife’s name) tried it on.